15 Things Everyone Should Know Before Signing Up for Invisalign


After starting your treatment with affordable Invisalign braces, you will look back at a lot of this and wish you had known them earlier. They are not all bad; in fact, they are not bad at all. It’s just that straightening teeth with Invisalign is not as scary or easy as people think it is.

Here are a few things patients from our clinic wished they had known before commencing their treatments.

You can still have your love life with Invisalign

This is one of the biggest concerns people have about Invisalign and other teeth-straightening methods. Can I even kiss? Romance plays a significant role in our lives, and throwing it out the trash because you want to straighten your teeth is not that easy. But our patients found out that you can have it all once you are with the right person.

Most significant others don’t care if you are using aligners or not. They love to be with you, and the plastics in your mouth do not change that. Once a person loves you, they won’t mind kissing you alongside the plastic.

Invisalign may alter your speech

Maybe you didn’t know, but just like other trays, Invisalign will affect the way you speak. This change could be very noticeable for some people and less for others. But whatever the case may be, you will adjust faster to your trays if you do not stop speaking.

You only need a few days to weeks to get rid of the lisp. If it takes longer than this, it signifies that your aligners are not well fitted, and your dentist will handle that.

It could be painful, but you can sort that out with this

You may find out that your Invisalign aligners hurt when you put them on, but you can ease the pain using orthodontic wax to cover the sharp edges. If you cannot get the orthodontic wax to stick in your mouth, take out the aligners and apply it to the sharp edges before putting it back on.

Applying this wax early on as allowing the pain to stay can cause you more pain during the treatment.

How long will I see results?

It takes about a year to complete your treatment, but you should start seeing results within the first two to three months. Observers may not notice the result until after four months. But you’re getting what you needed, that’s the most important thing.

Results can come faster

You can accelerate your result by using AcceleDent. The FDA approves this device for use at home for 20 minutes daily to increase the speed by which your teeth moves by applying micropulse technology.

With the usual recommendations, you should change your trays every two weeks, but with this technology, you can have it weekly. This will shorten your treatment period to six months.

There is no fixed cost for Invisalign

The cost for your treatment is dependent on the complexity of your case, the number of trays, and, if necessary, attachments or buttons you will use. So, you must ask your dentist before you start.

You could end up with buttons or attachments

Some people complete their treatment with just trays, but others need to get buttons or attachments to hold their aligners in place. These extras are tooth coloured and are still barely visible. Your dentist will tell you if you need them.

Not everyone can have Invisalign

This is sad but true. Invisalign cannot be used to treat every orthodontic problem. Though they can be used to treat most of the problem, issues like adjusting the vertical position of the small teeth, rotating the canine, and others cannot be corrected with this method.

Could I be too old for Invisalign?

No, many people in their 50s and 60s use Invisalign to straighten their teeth, so you can. There is no age limit for Invisalign. It is just that the younger ones need to grow into more responsible teens before using Invisalign. They must be disciplined enough to wear their aligners for 22 out of 24 hours a day.

You’ll switch to the Invisalign diet

You will miss some foods, but it will be worth it after the results are out. There will be no more regular beer and coffee because the aligners have to stay in there for up to 22 hours. The remaining two hours have to be wisely utilised for eating healthy foods and cleaning your mouth and trays.

Here is how to remove your aligners

For easy removal of your aligner, get a tool called Outie on Amazon. It comes in a set of three and will be your sure ticket for quickly removing your aligners.

You will have to care more for your teeth and aligners

You have to brush your teeth and floss immediately after each meal before wearing your aligners again. You may be tempted to skip because it means brushing many times a day, but this good habit will save you from tooth decay.

For your aligners, soak them in mild soap, bleach rinse, or denture cleaner and rinse off afterwards. Do not brush your aligners with toothpaste, as it may cause abrasion.

Can I use a teeth whitener with Invisalign?

Yes. The trays are just covering over the teeth, and you can easily add the whitening gel. Since you wear the tray all day, the gel will have enough time to whiten the teeth.

Your teeth could be recommended for a shave

Your dentist may recommend you shave your teeth if they are crowded. This shaving procedure is also called filing, or Interproximal Reduction (IPR). Most times, you will only need to lose one-tenth of a millimetre.

This process was chosen out of the other solutions for crowded teeth with no space to move. The alternatives are expanding the arches or removing teeth to make space.

How to choose the best Invisalign provider

You can visit a dentist or orthodontist for Invisalign treatment. Still, since orthodontists have extra two or three years of experience in correcting bites, they are the most suitable for the job. Also, orthodontists have more sophisticated tools since it is their area of specialisation; so, they fit into your “Invisalign braces near me” quest.

If you are out to get the best from your teeth alignment using Invisalign, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at London Braces today. Our team of professional dentists and orthodontists will be more than excited to attend to you.

Read More about Invisalign braces.