5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Child Pose

child pose

Child Pose – Do you know the best thing about learning yoga? The plethora of body postures and breathing techniques that help you get rid of several mental and physical health issues. This ancient art has been passed down from one spiritual seeker to the next. Needless to say, yoga is the best way for you to stay fit and healthy inside out.

One of the most effective yoga asanas is the Child Pose. The Child’s Pose, also known as Balasana is a resting and forward-bending yoga pose you can do anytime. This yoga asana works on your lower back, arms, and sacrum. You should enroll in a reputed Yoga Teacher Certification course to learn more about this course.

With that said, let us find out a bit more about this yoga asana.

Child Pose – In Brief

As stated above, the Child Pose is a resting yoga asana you can easily hold for longer periods without using any props.

Given below is how you do this yoga asana.

Steps To Practice Child Pose

  • Come onto all fours in the table position. Your back should form the tabletop with hands and legs forming the four legs of the table.
  • Exhale and lower your hips to the heels. Bring your forehead closer to the mat.
  • Keep your knees together. You can spread them a little wide for added comfort.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly. Press your belly against your thighs while inhaling.
  • Hold your breath for 4 to12 breaths.
  • Bring your palms under the shoulders. Inhale slowly and come back to the seated position.

However, that does not mean this is just another forward-bending yoga pose. Given below are some major benefits of Child’s Pose.

5 Amazing Benefits Of Child’s Pose

Given below are five amazing benefits of doing Balasana.

1. Calms Your Mind

Keep your head down on the mat. This has a calming and soothing effect on your brain. The inward fold of your body and eyes looking backward sends a signal to your brain that all is well. This is the best yoga pose you can do when you have too many thoughts running through your mind.

2. Lengthens Your Lower Back

If your job involves sitting on a desk all day for longer periods, there is a high chance you have compression in your lower back. The reason is you put too much weight on the lower back without any conscious pulling up or engaging your lower abdominals.

Moreover, folding your legs in Balasana reverses the splaying of tailbone that causes lower back pain. Simply book yourself some yoga holidays at a reputed yoga school to get rid of this pain with the right yoga asana.

3. Helps You Rest

If you are someone who loves to push themselves in yoga practice, chances are you would look forward to weekends to skip the class or avoid the personal practice. Remember, yoga is all about creating a balance between your mental and physical bod. It is not just about putting in all your effort.

The Child’s Pose gives your body and minds a chance to rest and rejuvenate after a busy day at work.

4. Good For Digestion

Practicing Balasana with your knees together and resting your belly on the thighs gives your internal organs a good massage. Moreover, taking long and slow breaths pushes your abdomens closer to your legs.

In the long run, this gives your intestinal tract a good massage. It is highly beneficial if you suffer from digestive issues. Enroll in a reputed yoga teacher certification program to learn everything about resting yoga poses.

5. Opens Up The Hips

Like your lower back, your hips also take a lot of beating in day-to-day life. Unfortunately, if you sit on your desk all day it tightens the muscles around your hips. Keeping your knees apart in the Child’s Pose gives your hips a chance to stretch and open up.

In the long run, Balasana also minimizes any discomfort you might be feeling at present. It also improves the health of your hips throughout life.


The Child’s Pose gives you a chance to rejuvenate from all the stress. Enroll in a reputed yoga teacher certification course to learn this yoga asana.