9 Common Dental Problems


Dental problems are some of the worst and painful medical problems one can experience. Fortunately, they can be prevented from getting to that point of unbearable pain when you regularly visit your dentist and dental hygienists. This way, dental professionals can point out any problem on time and treat them before it gets too serious. If you need a reliable dental hygienist, don’t hesitate to contact us for examinations and tips for dental hygiene in London. Meanwhile, below are 9 common dental problems that people experience.

Bad breath

At some point in our lives, we have worried about bad breath and whether or not we have them. If you are concerned or worried that you may have bad breath, speak to your dentist about it. You should know that bad breath can be caused by different factors such as dry mouth, medication, infection, poor oral hygiene, acid reflux and even cancer—these factors each release a chemical that causes your breath to smell bad. Treatment for bad breath depends on the cause of the bad breath, so you should speak with your dentist and find out what the cause is.

Gum disease

People who have gum disease suffer from either gingivitis or periodontitis. Gingivitis is a condition whereby the gums are red and bleed easily, and is a less serious gum disease that can be treated with good oral cleaning. You will have to play your part in preventing it from coming back by brushing and flossing daily. Periodontitis is another gum disease that is more serious and can lead to bone and tissue damage that keep the teeth in place. Periodontitis is a condition whereby pockets in the gums become infected. Periodontitis can be treated with topical antibiotics, or in severe cases, you can be treated by a periodontist.

Sensitive teeth

Having sensitive teeth means something is wrong somewhere, as the teeth become sensitive when the outer layer of enamel has become worn out or has been eaten away by decay, worn fillings, receding gums, etc. The layer underneath the enamel, called dentin, has tiny tubes that connect it to the nerve. When food or drinks that are hot or cold travel through these tubes to the nerve, they cause pain. Sensitive teeth can be treated with a sensitive toothpaste or fluoride treatment, gum graft, crowns and root canal in severe cases.

Health issues like diabetes and gum disease

Sometimes, the teeth are not affected directly, but indirectly through other health problems. Diabetes can cause damage to the gums if the blood sugar is not controlled. Osteoporosis can affect the bones that hold the jaws and teeth in place, and gum disease weakens the gums’ hold on the teeth. This means that your oral health is linked to your overall health and vice versa.

Tooth decay

You get tooth decay when your tooth enamel is damaged as a result of plaque. Dental plaque is a sticky film, made of bacteria that coats the teeth and gradually eats up the enamel. Besides causing tooth decay, dental plaque can lead to other dental problems like cavities and pain. Preventing it involves cutting down on sugary foods, foods with high acidic content and brushing/flossing twice daily.

Receding gums

Receding gums are caused by several factors, some of which include hormonal changes in women, poor oral hygiene, smoking, high blood pressure and even genetics. No matter the cause, receding gums is not a condition to be ignored because it can expose the teeth’ delicate root and lead to gum loss. Its treatment is dependent on the cause, but they may include teeth cleaning, gum graft and learning how to brush properly.

Teeth grinding

Bruxism or teeth grinding is when individuals constantly grind their teeth at night or clench them during the day. Constantly grinding your teeth will damage your teeth, give you headaches and jaw pain. Dentists diagnose people with bruxism when their teeth become worn on the surface, and recommend a mouth guard you can use at night.

Dry mouth and throat

Although this condition is more common in older people, everyone can have a dry mouth and throat. The causes can include medications, nerve damage, salivary gland disease, diabetes and cancer treatment. Your dentist can suggest ways by which you can relieve dry mouth such as sipping water throughout the day or chewing sugarless gum. Also, avoid caffeine Infused drinks like coffee, and also avoid alcohol.

Mouth, jaw and bite problems

A dentist can address any health issue that goes beyond the teeth and gums. They will carry out examinations, diagnosis and proffer treatment solutions. If the dental or oral health is a severe one, they will refer you to a specialist who will handle the case.

You can get your tips for dental hygiene and treatment for dental problems when you contact us at Dental Hygienists London. Book an appointment with us today by giving us a call or sending us an email.