How to Choose the Right Platform for Mobile App Development?

How to choose the right platform for mobile app development?
How to choose the right platform for mobile app development?

Our world is undergoing technological metamorphosis at present. Everybody is getting technologically revamped, from youth to elderly, from small pawn shops to business empires, from workshops to industries, from traders to conglomerates, from education centers to government domains, from house of gods to caves of terrorism; all are now either creating or using or selling technology.

With businesses no matter how small or big, have now realized that in order to survive in this dog-eat-dog-world, they need to leave their redundant practices in the past and get on with the modern technology to reach their potential buyers, customers and clients. 

Hence arises the need of mobile application for your agenda.

But this need gives birth to many questions, the most noteworthy being, “How to choose the right platform for your mobile application development?”

“In life everyone has a chance. The key is: make the right choice.”

Choosing the right platform for mobile app isn’t an easy task, its rather the most crucial one. Finding the perfect mobile development platform that suits your requirements takes off the biggest task involved in building up a mobile application.

Don’t fret, because today we are going to educate all you readers on how to choose the right platform for your android app development.

Tips To Choose The Right Mobile Application Development Platform

1. Identifying the target audience

The first and foremost step is to identify the target audience for whom you want to develop the application. In current market scenario ios and android are the two platforms widely used and in some cases blackberry and windows as well, but they are almost obsolete and insignificant in numbers respectively. So you need to identify if the app is to be built for iOS platform or android platform or if the app is supposed to be developed in such a way that it works for both iOS and android mobile phones.  

2. Picking the right tools and resources

Choosing right human resources is very crucial for mobile app development because the app developers are the ones who can make or break your mobile application with their ingenuity. Choosing the right team of mobile app developers ensures that the right set of app development tools will be used, which in turn ensures that your app development journey will be cost effective, efficient, quick to load, compatible with most programming languages.

3. Native, Web or hybrid app?

The third question is what kind of app you want, web or native or hybrid? All three of them come with their own list of pros and cons. For example, Native apps are developed for one platform specifically and can be downloaded via app stores. Although native apps are speedy, able to work offline, have the best performance and best security and highly interactive, they are extremely expensive to develop and maintain, they are time consuming and inflexible.

Web apps on the other hand offer easy maintenance, all around compatibility and very inexpensive but they have limited scope, non- interactive and low quality control thus unable to guarantee safety and security. 

Hybrid apps are open source mobile apps that offer consistent and error free user experience. They adapt quickly for any device screen for quick display of data and unified data streaming process. They are comparatively cheaper to make, work across multiple platforms and are easy to update. On the down side, hybrid apps require continuous internet connection, have limited functionalities and they are slow on performance radar as well.

4. Level of Cloud scalability required

Cloud scalability with respect to cloud computing means the ability to increase or decrease IT Resources to meet the changing technological demands and environment. Basically a mobile app should be highly scalable in order to survive in the competitive market, it should be able to adapt itself in such a way that future scope of the app could be met. If an app is low on scalability measure, then there is a great possibility that the app is going to crash when met with traffic or other changes and updates. While a mobile app with high scalability will fight against all odds and adapt itself to meet future scope and changing needs of the market, thus giving a one up from a competitive point of view.

5. Selection of Precise analytics tools

The usage of analytics tools starts off with searching for relevant data, then analyzing the data for authenticity and genuineness, henceforth leading to extraction of valuable data based upon related app specific parameters and finally transforming the data into usable format. Making the right selection of analytics tools leads the app in the right direction thus checking and analyzing the data and ensuring appropriate data usage of the app. 

Last but not the least, there are an infinite number of companies working in mobile app development but Explorate Global is a renowned and leading mobile app development company in the USA that delivers the flawless results.