What Should You Think About Microsoft Teams Process Automation?

Microsoft teams process automation

You can make your business work on its best potential only if you are changing with the time. since the needs and the ways are changing, so are the procedures. You need to embrace the new methods and tools to ensure that you work effective.

Now, have you ever used Microsoft teams process automation? If yes, then you already know how it is revolutionising the work and procedures. It is true that Microsoft Teams has turned out to be the go-to app for work collaboration.  It has more than 115 million active users and is expanding rapidly.  As companies adopt the powerful platform, the next big question is how to add even more of automation and efficiency to Microsoft Teams.  

Now, it is where the Power Platform comes into picture.  More specifically, Power Automate that is even known as Microsoft Flow.  Power Automate can get used for Microsoft Teams Automation and should be.  there are so many things that you can do with these tools and a few of the many things are like:

Automatically Setup Microsoft Teams

All gratitude to Power Automate, you can easily and automatically setup Microsoft Teams based on business events and even triggers.  Here are the chief actions you can take to automatically setup a Team making use of Microsoft Teams Automation.

Create your Team

Creating a Team is the beginning point for Microsoft Teams automation.  You can easily name the team, set its description, and then most crucially pick the visibility of the team.  Remember that the visibility of a Team is as follows:

  • Org Wide: it means everybody with a license automatically gets added to the Team. This encompasses all existing users and new users going forward.
  • Public: it means people who are not already in the Team are going to see and can automatically join the Team in case they want to by clicking the “Join or simply Create a Team” in the bottom-left corner of their Teams.
  • Private: here, anybody who is not in the Team is not going to see the Team and cannot join it in the absence of an exclusive request.

Hence, you can do plenty of things once you use it. and most importantly, the teams tools are on the constant advancement and hence, you can expect new flexibilities and ,features as the time goes.

Make a Channel

By default, Microsoft Teams always possess a General channel.  You cannot simply rename or delete this channel.  The General channel is even always setup as a Public channel which also cannot get changed.  However, you can add more channels in case you prefer to.  Unfortunately at the time of this post , you cannot particularise if the channel is public or private; you can just form up public channels.  Creating a channel has extremely basic capabilities for now.  You can simply set the display name and description and that is all.  


So, it would not be hard for you to do Microsoft teams adoption and ensure that your business grows extensively. Once you use the tools and introduce it to your employees, the productivity rate will rise for sure.